#077 – Sherlock Homes Loan Investigation
Finding the best deal is Kyle Scott's business.

Published on November 21, 2019

Trying to find the best mortgage lender is sometimes like looking for The Hound of the Baskervilles. Lots of tramping about in dark moors, sidestepping the occasional puddle of gore and then having a drooling quadruped maul you for your trouble. Here is where Kyle Scott AKA Sherlock Homes Loan Investigation comes in.

It’s no secret that lenders and banks aren’t the most forthcoming in terms of transparency with their lending practices. It is also no secret that borrowers have been compared to lambs for the slaughter. Face it. In Australia, we’ve had to have a Royal Commission into our banks and the whole thing wasn’t pretty.

Here is where having someone like Kyle Scott in your employ can very advantageous. However, the problem here is unlike Sir Arthur’s eminent fictional detective, Kyle hasn’t got the same notoriety.

What wrong with Sherlock Homes?

Firstly, the name itself is a double-edged sword. A simple Google search will yield a whole stack of ‘everyone else’. Yep. The problem with going with a popular phrase (or a clever pun of) is that you’re just ‘one of the crowd’.

One way is to differentiate yourself is to add a pre-fix or even a suffix. For example, “Kyle Scott, Sherlock Homes Loan Investigation” or “Sherlock Homes – Kyle Scott, Loan Investigator”. This should sufficiently set you apart from the crowd.

Reviews and Testimonials

Like our fictional namesake, the big thing is to set about creating a reputation. An online one, in our case. So, get reviews and testimonials. Lots of them. And make sure they are NOT kept in your filing cabinet. Have them on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google.

Then, go and make content. As much as you can. Good, targeted content. Listen to the episode as Chris and Mark outline some strategies and pointers to help get Kyle found.

Create a veritable library of great content, case studies and true stories about the horrors, the pitfalls, the learnings and paint the picture on why you need to have Sherlock Homes – Kyle Scott, Loan Investigator on your payroll.

Here’s Kyle’s website – at the time of publishing, it still needs a bit of work but you’ll be able to get in touch with him there.

And here are a couple of episodes on personal branding that could help shed more light.

Bronwyn Clee

Bill Zammit

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